Art by mai0124


The Fell Dragon // The Creation

Art by kiriya (pixiv user 552260)

The Dwarf in the Flask

In the golden age of the city of magic, Forneus of Thabes practiced the delicate craft of Alchemy to great renown. After the death of his wife, he began to spiral into the dark arts and perform untoward experiments. Infusing a type of bug with necrotic energy, he created the Thanatophage, which take control of a corpse and are bound to the will of their creator. Historians would later call these beings Risen. More impressively, using blood procured from a divine dragon, he created an artificial lifeform. Storing the dragon's blood, a mixture of human fluids, nectar, and herbs in a vial for 40 days produced a creature resembling a human fetus, as large as the thumbnail. He stored the homunculus in the womb of a horse, watching it grow and feeding it his blood. On the 80th day, it's neck lengthened and it grew a tail, as well as two more sets of eyes. Now the size of a puppy, it smiled at him and filled him with dread.Long before The Creation's completion, his lab had been sealed from the outside, trapping the alchemist for the remainder of his daus. Forneus was unable to control the beast as their minds melded, and eventually either took his own life in terror of his creation, or was consumed by it. For untold centuries, the laboratory remained untouched. Thabes crumbled to dust, leaving behind only the labyrinth meant to contain the demon alchemist's laboratory. The Divine Dragon Duma destroyed the city in fear of the power hidden within, and Thabes became nothing but a legend. The hero Anri sought the city as the fabled resting place of Divine Dragon Naga, and while he was unsuccessful, it brought many treasure hunters to seek out the city. 70 years later, the battle between Anri's descendant, the Hero King Marth, and Dark Pontifex Gharnef shook the ancient city and unearthed more of the ruins, including the Labyrinth. Treasure Hunters began to plunder it's relics, even descending to the depths past the Sage's Seal. Fighting through the early incarnation of Risen, Death Masks, they entered the sealed chamber where The Creation had stewed for hundreds of years. Though the adventurers were successful in subduing it, The Creation lived on. Tales of it's power and the Brand of Defile marking it's door reached the surface world, and an ancient cult was revived with a new object of fascination.

Art by torisudesu

Wings of Despair

A thousand years passed before The Fell Dragon Grima emerged from Thabes, reducing the labyrinth to dust. Having recovered from it's battle, festered in it's hatred, and grown in both strength and size, the dragon laid waste to Archanea, shifting the landscape with it's horrific power. The Grimleal welcomed their new God, or at least those who survived. The leader of their cult was granted the Fell Dragon's blood, and became his vessel. He had a child before his death, who would lead a bloodline to the sorcerer Validar. From the ashes of Archanea, the first exalt of Ylisse rose with Naga's blessing. He used the Falchion to seal the Fell Dragon for another Millennium, and the continent was rebuilt.After his second slumber, the Fell Dragon rose once again. The descendant of his human bonded vizier, Validar, sired a vessel whom Grima could possess. Amidst a lengthy campaign to collect the Fire Emblem and it's components, Validar orchestrated the return of his master by drawing his child and the current Exalt to the Dragon's Table. Grima was able to take control of his vessel, and bring the world to ruin. Naga aided the children who survived the Exalt and his allies in escaping to the past to try and prevent Grima's awakening, entering a new timeline. Grima followed them and attempted to possess his body, but the difference in power caused the vessel to become shell shocked and lose it's memories. Instead, he sent a legion of Risen to the past, and later travelled with his current vessel. The Exalt, Chrom, lead his army into battle once more, now armed with their children and more knowledge than before.

Art by Zyuno0

Twist of Fate

Despite their new advantage, the Shepherds still could not overcome Grima's might. The power of Two Fell Dragons was incomprehensible, and overwhelmed them in time. Seeing their comprades die in droves broke the tactician's spirit, allowing the dragon of the present of steal their body and merge it's strength with it's future self. Those who did not surrender were slaughtered, and the world fell into ruin once more.But Grima would no longer rest on his laurels. Now well aware of the danger of other worlds, we would proactively seek out and squash threats, growing his strength. Travelling across the Outrealms, Grima overtook and absorbed his alternate selves and their vessels, amassing an army and a myriad of faces and powers. Among infinite worlds, there is no way he could conquest across all of them, or even maintain an empire of that size. But the power brings him security, in that no creature can even control or bind him again.GAME OVER

Art by anst_nono

Breath of Ruin

[Facts and Trivia about my Grima portrayal.]• Grima is technically genderless, sharing the sex and gender of the body they inhabit. The dragon itself is referred to as male in most cases, so that is what I will default to for convenience.
• By absorbing the other vessels and their powers, Grima can seamlessly shapeshift between the bodies he has snatched. This includes the six different body types that can be selected in Awakening, with many combinations of hair and faces. He defaults to the standard Male or Female Robin in most cases, once again for convenience.
• Grima sometimes speaks in multiple voices at once, with the magic of his other vessels echoing together. This usually coincides with heightened emotions which cause his control to slip.
• He keeps the corpses of the Shepherds, selecting the strongest amongst them in each world to form his own small army of Deadlords to travel with him.
• After defeating the Shepherds from the future and present, Grima rose Chrom and corrupted the Falchion with his dark magic. By having the Risen King use the blade against him in non lethal exercises for an extended period of time, he gained a resistance to the holy magic of the weapon. It still stings as much as when striking any other dragon, but can no longer bind him as it once did.
• While I do consider the Lore introduced in Shadows of Valentia Act 6 to be canon, the events themselves are dubious. Considering Alm left the Falchion in Duma's skull at the end of the main story and then magically still has it in Act 6, I'll handwave the events.
• The Grimleal are possibly a new incarnation of the Loptyrian church, considering their similar structure and methods. Both Julius and Robin were selectively bred to fulfill a prophecy as vessels of their gods, and gained command over an elite force of undead soldiers: The Deadlords.
• This works on the presumption that the Jugdral duology are set in the world of Archanea even further in the past, explaining the existence of it's many legendary weapons including the Book of Naga. Tyrfing's design is closely related to the Archanean Falchion, looking incredibly similar in it's original incarnation, and bringing the Awakening design to an extreme as a blade with a hollow center.
Of course, this could be wild speculation gone completely awry, and these weapons came through the Outrealm Gate like Priam and the Ragnell.

Art by zettaiiya / grimatina


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Thus, I ask minors to not interact with my posts, for both our sakes.
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Art by TofuCakes / Beefbulgogi

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